Date:October 5-6, 2019
Difficulty: easy
Mileage: 25-30 km
Leader: Zablotsky Oleksandr +380508665396
The cost of the trip: 500 UAH (for students ONAPT 450 UAH)
The campaign will be quite easy in terms of physical activity, but with the same very rich and informative! Absolutely everyone will be able to take part in the campaign, because no special training will be required on this trip, even the physical training requirements are minimal, and we will give you all the necessary equipment (backpack, sleeping bag, karemat, tent) for the duration of the trip!
The endless Nikolaev steppe, which is crossed by a fantastic in its beauty, deep, with steep slopes, river valley. The rocky banks of the river with the slightly ominous name Deadwater reach a height of up to 50 meters – well, like a 15-story building, so that the presentation is more visual. And all this is Aktovsky Canyon!